教育背景(Education background):
2004-2008信阳师范学院电子信息学 Xinyang NormalUniversity,Bachelor
2009-2012东北林业大学植物化学Northeast Forestry University,Master
2014-2017东北林业大学植物生态学Northeast Forestry University,Ph.D.
2017.07-2023.06 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所博士后Postdoc,Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2019.09 -2024.09 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所助理研究员Research Assistant,Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
国外留学(Oversea experience):
2019.11- 2019. 12美国明尼苏达大学University of Minnesota
2023.3-2024.08美国康奈尔大学Cornell University
研究兴趣(Research interests):
Carbon Cycle andBiogeochemical Cycle;Litter Decomposition; Soil respiration;Response of ecosystem prosesses toGlobal Change;
(3)国家自然科学基金青年基金重点基金项目:地表关键过程--草原植物不同器官凋落物分解对全球变化的响应及其机制(资助编号42230515); 2023.01-2027.12,参与人
(4)主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:增温对我国东北森林典型树种细根分解的影响(资助编号31901137); 2020.01-2022.12,主持人
Sun, T.,Dong, L.,Zhang, Y., Hättenschwiler, S., Schlesinger, W.H., Zhu, J., Berg, B., Adair, C., Fang, Y., Hobbie, S.E., (2024). General reversal of N-decomposition relationship during long-term decomposition in boreal and temperate forests [J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(20):e2401398121.https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2401398121(共同第一作者)
Björn Berg, Mikael Lönn, Xiangying Ni, TaoSun,LiliDong*,Talis Gaitnieks, Amalia Virzo De Santo, Maj-Britt Johansson. Decomposition rates in late stages of Scots pine and Norway spruce needle litter: Influence of nutrients and substrate properties over a climate gradient. Forest Ecology and Management (2022), 522, 120452.(通讯作者).
Lili Dong,Berg Bjorn, Weiping Gu, ZhengwenWang, Tao Sun*. Effects of different forms of nitrogen addition on microbial extracellular enzyme activity in temperate grassland soil. Ecological Processes (2022) 11:36https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-022-00380-2.(第一作者)
LiliDong,BergBjorn, Tao Sun*, Zhengwen Wang*, Xingguo Han. Response of fine root decomposition to different forms of N deposition in a temperate grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry,147, 2020.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.10.(第一作者).
LiliDong,Tao Sun*, BergBjorn, Lili Zhang*, QuanquanZhang, ZhengwenWang. Effects of different forms of N deposition on leaf litterdecomposition and extracellular enzyme activities in a temperate grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 134(2019), 78-80.(第一作者).
Lili Dong,Zijun Mao*, Tao Sun. Condensed tannin effects on decomposition of very fine roots among temperate tree species. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 103(2016), 489-492.(第一作者).
Lili Dong,Yu-Jie Fu*, Yuan-Gang Zu, Meng Luo, Wei Wang, Xiao-Juan Li, Ji Li.Application of cavitation system to accelerate the endogenous-enzymatic hydrolysis of baicalin and wogonoside in Radix Scutellariae.Food Chemistry,131 (2012) 1422–1429.(第一作者)
Lilii Dong,Yu-Jie Fu*, Yuan-Gang Zu, Meng Luo, Wei Wang, Chun-Ying Li, Pan-Song Mu.A large scale preparation, simple separation and purification of baicalein and wogonin from Scutellariae Radix. Food Chemistry,133 (2012) 430–436.(第一作者)
LiliDong,Yu-Jie Fu*, Yuan-Gang Zu, Ji Li, Xiao-Juan Li, Thomas Efferth.Negative pressure cavitation accelerated processing for extraction of main bioactive flavonoids from Radix Scutellariae.Chemical Engineering and Processing,50 (2011) 780–789.(第一作者)
Li, J., Jin, X., Li, J., Li, X., Han, Y.,Dong, L., & Zou, H. (2024). Deep return of straw improves topsoil health and maize productivity more efficiently than shallow return. Soil Use and Management, 40, e13131.https://doi.org/10.1111/sum.13131
Menghan Wang, Fucui Li,Lili Dong,Xiang Wang, Liebao Han, Jørgen E. Olesen. Effects of exogenous organic/inorganic nitrogen addition on carbon pool distribution and transformation in grassland soil. Science of the Total Environment(2023).
Gu, W., Berg, B.,Dong, L. et al. Patterns and controlling factors of decomposition in distal shoot systems by branch order across 10 temperate tree species. Plant Soil (2024).https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-024-06590-1.
Tao Sun,Lili Dong, Zhengwen Wang, Xiaotao Lü, Zijun Mao*.Effects of long-term nitrogen deposition on fine root decomposition and its extracellular enzyme activities in temperate forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 93 (2016): 50-59.
Tao Sun,LiliDong , Zijun Mao*, Yuanyuan Li. Fine root dynamics of trees and understorey vegetation in a chronosequence of Betula platyphylla stands. Forest Ecology and Management, 346 (2015) 1–9.
Tao Sun,LiliDong, ZijunMao*. Simulated atmospheric nitrogen deposition alters decomposition of ephemeral roots. Ecosystems, (2015) 18: 1240–1252.
Sun Tao*; Zhang Lili; Wu Zhijie; Wang Qingkui; Li Yuanyuan;Dong Lili; Zhang Hongguang; Wang Zhengwen, Early Stage Fine-Root Decomposition and Its Relationship with Root Order and Soil Depth in a Larix gmelinii Plantation, Forests, 2016.10, 7(10): 228~234.
Sun Tao; Mao Zijun*; Hou Lingling; Song Yuan; Wang Xiuwei;Dong Lili; Further evidence for slow decomposition of very fine roots using two methods: litterbags and intact cores , Plant and Soil, 2013.05, 366(1-2): 633~646.
SunTao; Cui Yalan; Björn Berg; Zhang Quanquan;Dong Lili; Wu Zhijie; Zhang Lili *. A test of manganese effects on decomposition in forest and cropland sites, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018.11.17, 129: 179~183.